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PK from Hyosung



Hyosung Chemical


Polyketone (PK)



Temperature range

-30 °C to +100 °C


Mobility, E&E, conveyor systems, mechanical engineering, consumer goods

About the Product Family

POKETONE™ from Hyosung is a tough semi-crystalline thermoplastic that has very good mechanical properties such as high impact strength. The polyketone (PK) has a particularly high wear resistance and good tribology. Its outstanding chemical resistance and hydrolysis resistance should also be emphasised. In addition, it has a high barrier effect, e.g. against oxygen and fuel.

POKETONE™ from Hyosung is free from formaldehyde, bisphenol A (BPA) and per- and polyfluorinated chemicals (PFAS). This makes polyketone an excellent addition to the engineering plastics PA, POM and PBT. It also has properties that are otherwise only found in tribologically modified compounds or high-performance plastics. Thanks to these exceptional properties, POKETONE™ is a true all-rounder and can be used in a wide variety of segments, including applications with drinking water and food contact. We supply the original polyketone in unreinforced, glass fibre-reinforced, specially modified or flame-retardant versions.


Mechanische Eigenschaften

High impact strength

Mechanische Eigenschaften

Very good resilience

Mechanische Eigenschaften

High dimensional stability

Mechanische Eigenschaften

Very good wear resistance

Mechanische Eigenschaften

Very good tribological properties

Chemische Bestaedigkeit

High chemical resistance

Allgemeine Eigenschaften

Good hydrolosis restistance

Allgemeine Eigenschaften

Very low moisture absorption

Allgemeine Eigenschaften

Extraordinary barrier effect against fuel and oxygen

PK the all-rounder
PK le polyvalent (FR)
PK for food contact

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Availability of POKETONE™ in your region

Please note that our product range varies for the different sales regions. In our product filter you can check the regional availability of POKETONE™.

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